LokomatPro Modules
FreeD Module
The optional FreeD module supports:
- guiding lateral translation
- transverse rotation of the pelvis
Pediatric Module
The special Pediatric configuration for functional and motivating movement therapy for small children are available as an optional add-on module, designed to accommodate children with a special set of harnesses and cuffs that provide a precise fit for patients with femurs measuring 21 – 35 cm in length(8.3 – 13.8 inches). The two interchangeable sets Adult/Pediatric can be easily swapped out by the therapist
and both offer the same wide range of therapy benefits.”
Key Features
- Easily interchangeable Lokomat
- Adjustable gait therapy for adults and children with femurs between 21 and 35 cm (8.3 -13.8 in.).
Material Storage
The Lokomat portfolio provides two storage solutions, to store your Lokomat material, which allows ergonomic handling and faster training preparation. The Lokomat material storage solutions are optional accessories to the LokomatNanos and the LokomatPro.
Key Features
- Safe and easy storage
- Easier training preparation
- Faster patient set up
- More ergonomical handling