Intended Use
The ArmeoSpring Pro is a device intended for the rehabilitation of patients with mild to moderate impairments in upper limb function. The ArmeoSpring Pro provides functional training to improve upper limb function.
The ArmeoSpring Pro consists of a passive instrumented arm orthosis with an adjustable spring mechanism, which supports the weight of a patient’s arm and measures patient’s movements during functional upper limb exercises. Weight bearing provided by the orthosis facilitates movement exercises presented on a computer screen via motivating game-like exercises with the aim to increase range of motion, strength, and movement coordination of the impaired arm. The device includes a pressure sensitive handgrip and can optionally include a spring-based hand module assisting hand opening (ManovoSpring) and the Armeo Support Harness. The arm orthosis acts as input for the device-specific therapy software. The software includes motivating, game-like exercises which simulate activities of daily life and are presented to the patient on a computer screen. The ArmeoSpring Pro allows the therapist to adapt the therapy parameters via a user interface to individualize therapy and address patient-specific needs. The ArmeoSpring Pro can objectively assess joint range of motion, movement workspace and movement quality, and produce therapy reports.
The ArmeoSpring Pro and ManovoSpring are intended for the rehabilitative treatment of patients with mild to moderate impairments in upper limb function. These impairments can be caused by different diseases.
For contraindications and risk factors, please see legal notes.