Mike Robers is the owner and founder of Theraneurum, a new therapy centre for rehabilitation & mobility in Münster. Theraneurum offers state-of-the-art gait therapy and analysis in Münster using the unique combination of Hocoma’s Lokomat®Nanos and Motek’s C-Mill VR+, supplemented by the Armeo®Spring for the therapy of patients with upper limb impairments.
If anyone had told Mike 5 years ago that he would be living this dream today, he wouldn’t have believed a word of it! We would like to take this opportunity to share his inspiring journey.
Until 2019, things like physiotherapy and occupational therapy were never an issue for Mike; his focus was clearly on his global activities as a successful mechanical engineer in the areas of development and sales. His future clearly lay in the field of systemic coaching and change management at an institute in Cologne. His goal was to support other companies in the transformation process, without realising that he himself would be facing his own personal transformation.