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Mike Robers is the owner and founder of Theraneurum, a new therapy centre for rehabilitation & mobility in Münster. Theraneurum offers state-of-the-art gait therapy and analysis in Münster using the unique combination of Hocoma’s Lokomat®Nanos and Motek’s C-Mill VR+, supplemented by the Armeo®Spring for the therapy of patients with upper limb impairments.

If anyone had told Mike 5 years ago that he would be living this dream today, he wouldn’t have believed a word of it! We would like to take this opportunity to share his inspiring journey.

Until 2019, things like physiotherapy and occupational therapy were never an issue for Mike; his focus was clearly on his global activities as a successful mechanical engineer in the areas of development and sales. His future clearly lay in the field of systemic coaching and change management at an institute in Cologne. His goal was to support other companies in the transformation process, without realising that he himself would be facing his own personal transformation.

The motorbike accident – a turning point in Mike’s life

That all changed abruptly in October 2019, when he got caught in a sandstorm on his motorbike in the Moroccan desert while on holiday and rolled over several times. A broken thoracic vertebra forced Mike to take an unplanned break. The accident not only marked a turning point in his career, but also in the rest of his life.

The air ambulance brought Mike back to Germany, where he underwent surgery and began a lengthy healing process. Due to a haemorrhage during the operation, he even lost the ability to walk, but he successfully fought his way back to life!

Personal rehabilitation: from experience to vision

After his accident, the prognosis was quite uncertain and Mike couldn’t feel his legs in the early time, forcing him into a wheelchair. Conservative treatment was agonisingly slow and his impatience grew as he worked hard to get back on his feet and leave the wheelchair behind. Every evening Mike could be found in the swimming pool, struggling alone to practise standing and walking. His therapist at the time, Jana, sometimes had to slow him down, but Mike’s will was just too strong.

At the rehabilitation clinic, Mike was able to use the Andago® from Hocoma for the first time to try taking his first steps on his own legs again with the help of Andago’s Body weight support and move around the room independently. His big goal was clear: ‘I can’t go home until I manage to walk round the aquarium in the clinic foyer. I trained and trained. I was determined to achieve this seemingly small goal and eventually I did’.

He was also motivated to achieve this goal by the work and support of his therapists. Jana’s dedication and efforts in particular were very impressive and motivating for Mike. And, of course, his personal environment played a decisive role, above all his partner Michaela, who was an indispensable support and probably the most important person at his side during this difficult time: ‘Mike made a big impression on me. He was always optimistic, always had a smile on his face and never lost his sense of humour. I could see how Mike infected others with his courage and optimism. Every step forward, no matter how small, motivated him further. That’s when I learnt what a fighter Mike really is.’

Another major milestone in Mike’s rehabilitation on his way back on his feet was the phase after the rehabilitation clinic in a practice specialising in robotic rehabilitation. There he was able to familiarise himself with the impressive possibilities of Motek’s C-Mill VR+ for the first time:

‘The C-Mill VR+ has made a decisive contribution to my outpatient rehabilitation: With its realistic training scenarios and precise movement analyses, I was able to work specifically on my mobility and make noticeable progress in a safe setting.

The intensive training with the C-Mill has greatly improved my mobility and balance – it has helped me to become safer and more independent in everyday life.’

But during his time in rehab, Mike, like many other people affected, learnt and experienced many things that could be done differently and better.

These included things like inadequate wheelchair provision, frustrating bureaucratic hurdles, a lack of support from health care insurances and disappointing medical care. To summarise, the feeling of being left alone.

A free choice of rehabilitation clinic and a longer rehabilitation phase would have significantly improved his progress.

Just like more intensive counselling on possible subsequent therapy options, care levels and degree of severe disability as well as aids for everyday life. All things that should be a matter of course. As well as medical prognoses as a basis for how to make further progress as an affected patient.

When these experiences led to a dream…

The founding of the Theraneurum Münster therapy centre is Mike’s story

After the first phase of therapy, Mike’s life was re-prioritised and he had to learn to accept the new situation and refocus his life. Enjoying life more, never giving up and never losing optimism and faith in himself became top priorities.

He had learnt how quickly a life can suddenly change.

Professionally, the experiences from his time in therapy led to the decision to change the existing healthcare system a little and improve the situation of affected patients. The core inspiration for the founding of ‘Theraneurum’ was born.

‘I was driven by the problem of the lack of therapy options after inpatient treatment, especially for neurological diseases. I wanted to create a permanent therapy environment to maintain my mobility and achieve lasting progress.

I wanted to start motivating people to work on themselves and improve their quality of life. It’s never too late for therapy, and my fascination with modern equipment and robotics was also a motivator.

My experience in rehab has changed me profoundly. My view of life has shifted. The fates of the people around me have taught me how important external support is. We would like to be communicating this with Theraneurum. And close the gap in care after inpatient rehab, while raising awareness of the valuable work of therapists, which is often underestimated.

Therapy is always teamwork, a triangle of patient, therapist and relatives. I am happy about every patient and their trust in Theraneurum.’

Another major milestone in Mike’s rehabilitation on his way back on his feet was the phase after the rehabilitation clinic in a practice specialising in robotic rehabilitation. There he was able to familiarise himself with the impressive possibilities of MOTEK’s C-Mill VR+ for the first time:

‘The C-Mill VR+ has made a decisive contribution to my outpatient rehabilitation: With its realistic training scenarios and precise movement analyses, I was able to work specifically on my mobility and make noticeable progress in a safe setting.

The intensive training with the C-Mill has greatly improved my mobility and balance – it has helped me to become safer and more independent in everyday life.’

Mike’s status today

Despite all the prognoses and some major hurdles in the recovery process, Mike is now standing on his own two feet again.

This status quo requires regular therapy, for which he continues to use the C-Mill VR+ on a regular basis.

A lifelong process for health and quality of life, but well worth the effort.

Theraneurum in Münster: A multidisciplinary approach to holistic rehabilitation

The Theraneurum in Münster combines state-of-the-art technologies with a holistic therapeutic approach to support patients on their way to the best possible quality of life. The focus is on individualised solutions that are supported by a multidisciplinary approach.

Robotics: the future of rehabilitation in the here and now

‘Robotic therapy solutions such as the Hocoma Lokomat Nanos, Motek’s C-Mill VR+ and the Hocoma ArmeoSpring, enable precise and effective therapies that open up new perspectives for both therapists and patients. Robot-assisted therapy allows us to train specific movement patterns, promote mobility and increase our patients’ motivation through visible and measurable progress.

For patients in Theraneurum, this means

  • More safety and effectiveness in complex movement sequences.
  • Realistic training that helps to restore everyday ability more quickly.
  • Customised therapies with state-of-the-art technology.
  • Fun in therapy through gamification

For therapists, this means

  • Relief from physically demanding activities.
  • More time for personalised patient care during therapy.
  • New creative ways to organise therapy
  • Support through precise data analyses that enable an objective assessment of progress.’

The vision: technology meets humanity

The vision of the entire team is to put the patient at the centre and pave the way to new possibilities with innovative technologies. With every advance in robotics, they want to redefine the standard for holistic therapy.

Looking to the future

‘We are convinced that robotics will play an even greater key role in rehabilitation at Theraneurum. Our vision includes the continuous expansion of our range of therapies with new technological solutions from DIH that enable even more individualised and effective therapies.

With Theraneurum, we are focusing on rehabilitation that combines state-of-the-art technology with individualised human care – today and in the future.’

Mike Robers

Founder and owner of ‘Theraneurum’, Münster

Originally published on 17.1.2025

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