
Clinical and Scientific Affairs


The National Institute for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (INMFRE), located in Panama City, is a State Health Institution that provides specialized rehabilitation care for patients with temporary or permanent physical disabilities.

In 2019, the institution acquired the pediatric Lokomat V6 FreeD, making it the first center in the country to be equipped with this type of technology. After the successful integration of the LokomatFreeD, INMFRE expanded its portfolio by creating a robotic rehabilitation area for the Upper Limb.

The upper extremity rehabilitation area, whose integration was financially supported by Teletón 20-30, includes various devices to facilitate intensive training, including the Armeo®Spring, the Armeo®Spring Pediatric and the Armeo®Power.

“The advancement of this technology, especially robotic devices, leads to better functional recovery and an effective and efficient reduction of recovery time in patients with neurological deficits” – Lic. E. Arosemena, PT

As Gait Robotics Coordinator, Lic. E. Arosemena, PT, explains, “the decision to incorporate robotics into rehabilitation treatments came naturally. It has been shown that the advancement of this technology, especially robotic devices, leads to better functional recovery and an effective and efficient reduction of recovery time in patients with neurological deficits, thanks to a higher intensity of treatment and the possibility for the therapist to obtain more accurate information about the rehabilitation process and its results.”

The facility has not only chosen to integrate robotics but has also expanded its rehabilitation team (integrating more than 50 physical therapists and 20 occupational therapists) to include other rehabilitation tools based on virtual reality or instrumented gait analysis.

Originally published on 9.9.2021

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